Se as suas Dores quer tratar venha nos procurar!


Alívio da dor; stress; ansiedade; insônia; depressão; tabagismo; bruxismo; impotência; gastrite; diabetes; dermatite; acne; litíase renal; obesidade; crise emocional e muitas outras.

Equilíbrio corpo e mente através da acupuntura


Tratamento manual focado na reabilitação de lesões musculares, articulares e nervosas, promovendo alívio da dor, melhora na mobilidade e aceleração da recuperação. Indicado para pós-cirúrgicos, lesões esportivas e condições crônicas.

CTI - Centro de Terapias Integradas
Recuperação Física e Motora

Alivie tensões e relaxe profundamente com massagens de tratamento; massagens de relaxamento; massagem modeladora; massagem de redução de medidas; drenagem linfática manual e mobilização articular

Especialistas no tratamento de dores Musculares e Articulares

Ombro: tendinite e periartrite

Joelho: trauma; artrite: osteoartrite

Pescoço: Espondilose Cervical

Coluna vertebral: Patologia degenerativa da coluna; distensão muscular; dor; impotência e infertilidade

Braço: paralisia; patologia músculo esquelética; deficiência motora ou sensorial.

Perna: dor ciática

Tornozelo: atrofia muscular; trauma, Osteoartrose; edemas locais e encurtamento do pé.


Tratamento de estrias; tratamento de rugas; tratamento de celulite; tratamento de emagrecimento; depilação a laser; pressoterapia; radiofrequência e cavitação

Saúde e Bem-estar em primeiro lugar

✨ Bem-vindo ao ✨

Centro de Terapias Integradas!

Aqui, seu bem-estar está em primeiro lugar. Oferecemos tratamentos especializados em massoterapia, acupuntura e alívio de dores articulares e musculares, promovendo mais qualidade de vida para você.

💆‍♀️ Relaxamento e equilíbrio
🩹 Alívio de dores crônicas
⚖️ Bem-estar físico e mental

Agende sua sessão e sinta a diferença no seu corpo e na sua mente! 💙

Nossos Serviços

Transforme seu bem-estar com nossos serviços

Mobilização articular

Tratamento de estrias

Tratamento de rugas

Tratamento de celulite

Tratamento de emagrecimento

Massoterapia e Acupuntura
Massagens Relaxantes
Terapias Complementares

Galeria de Bem-Estar

Nosso objetivo é proporcionar-lhe uma experiência completa

A person is lying down on a treatment bed covered with a white towel. Another individual is standing beside, placing their hands on the person's shoulders as if about to perform a massage or therapy. The scene appears to be in a spa or similar wellness setting.
A person is lying down on a treatment bed covered with a white towel. Another individual is standing beside, placing their hands on the person's shoulders as if about to perform a massage or therapy. The scene appears to be in a spa or similar wellness setting.
Various wellness and beauty products, including oils in bottles, a bowl of oil, dried flowers, crystals, a smudge stick, and a small dish of cream, are arranged aesthetically on a light surface. The scene is decorated with colorful flowers and herbs.
Various wellness and beauty products, including oils in bottles, a bowl of oil, dried flowers, crystals, a smudge stick, and a small dish of cream, are arranged aesthetically on a light surface. The scene is decorated with colorful flowers and herbs.
A person is lying face down with smooth black stones placed along their spine. Another person's hands are arranging the stones. Orchid flowers are present, adding a serene and natural touch to the scene. The setting suggests a spa or massage environment focused on relaxation.
A person is lying face down with smooth black stones placed along their spine. Another person's hands are arranging the stones. Orchid flowers are present, adding a serene and natural touch to the scene. The setting suggests a spa or massage environment focused on relaxation.
A serene spa setting featuring a person lying face down on a massage table covered with a white sheet. Several smooth black stones are placed along their back for a hot stone massage. Soft, ambient lighting creates a warm atmosphere, with bottles of oil visible on a wooden table in the background.
A serene spa setting featuring a person lying face down on a massage table covered with a white sheet. Several smooth black stones are placed along their back for a hot stone massage. Soft, ambient lighting creates a warm atmosphere, with bottles of oil visible on a wooden table in the background.
A minimalist spa room featuring a comfortable massage table with white sheets. The bamboo stalks attached vertically to the wall create an aesthetic, natural ambiance. Soft lighting enhances the calm and relaxing atmosphere, and a small stand with essential items is placed next to the table.
A minimalist spa room featuring a comfortable massage table with white sheets. The bamboo stalks attached vertically to the wall create an aesthetic, natural ambiance. Soft lighting enhances the calm and relaxing atmosphere, and a small stand with essential items is placed next to the table.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

A experiência foi transformadora! O atendimento é acolhedor e as técnicas fazem realmente a diferença na saúde e bem-estar.

Maria Silva

A serene arrangement featuring various essential oil bottles on a wooden tray surrounded by dried herbs and rose petals. A white and a slightly smaller candle are lit, casting a warm glow. A white vase filled with greenery stands on the left, and a small Buddha statue is placed near a potted succulent on the right. The setting suggests a tranquil atmosphere, possibly for meditation or relaxation.
A serene arrangement featuring various essential oil bottles on a wooden tray surrounded by dried herbs and rose petals. A white and a slightly smaller candle are lit, casting a warm glow. A white vase filled with greenery stands on the left, and a small Buddha statue is placed near a potted succulent on the right. The setting suggests a tranquil atmosphere, possibly for meditation or relaxation.

Senti um alívio incrível após as sessões. O ambiente é relaxante e os profissionais são muito atenciosos.

João Pereira

Several wellness products are arranged on a surface. There is a box labeled 'Eir Health Sleep No. 10' that indicates it contains CBD products for calming and sleep aid, featuring evening oil with lavender and melatonin. Beside it, a pouch labeled 'Midnight Chill' contains bath salts. In front, there is a bath bomb with a subtle gray and blue design.
Several wellness products are arranged on a surface. There is a box labeled 'Eir Health Sleep No. 10' that indicates it contains CBD products for calming and sleep aid, featuring evening oil with lavender and melatonin. Beside it, a pouch labeled 'Midnight Chill' contains bath salts. In front, there is a bath bomb with a subtle gray and blue design.

Morada Loja Física

Rua da Igreja, nr. 132, 4765-100 Delães

Horário de Funcionamento
Terça-Feira à Sábado
14:00 - 20;00 horas


an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

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